Farm Journal 3/21/22

$30 order minimum for delivery into Pittsburgh

No limit on Eggs!… seriously guys… we’ve got a lot of eggs! In fact, we could use more egg cartons! We’ve had a few of you come through and it’s been a life-saver!

We’re looking for a bump in our Google Reviews! Would you be willing to throw in a good word? If you don’t mind, we will even copy your review and post it on our website. Here’s the “easy button” Write a google review here!

Wanda appreciates a good google review.

Place your online order here. Give us a 24 hours heads up please.

The Farm – WEDNESDAY (11 – 7). We’ll set your order out, you come pick it up. (If our driveway is treacherous, we’ll set up cooler down by the purple garage).

Northside – Wednesday 12:30 – 1:00 at the parking lot on Union Place by Allegheny Commons. Ask about delivery options.

Buy your CSA Share Now!

CSA shares are starting to fill up. If you’re thinking about picking up at one of our farmers markets – sign up soon, as space is limited. If you’re picking up at the farm, you’ve got time to ponder!

(when ordering the CSA share for city drops – just purchase the share at the location you desire to have your share delivered to. When checking out, select your only city choice as Northside. We’ll know if you’re picking up at Mt Lebo, East Liberty, Northside or Squirrel Hill, by the item you purchase.

$100 – Pork Sampler with Fancy Insulated Bag! Buy here!

Includes riblets $18, ham slice $8, bacon x 2 kinds $22, sausage x 3 $30, shoulder steak $8, pork chops x 2 $20, 2# ground (and/or) hamloaf + bag. $120 worth of pork for $100!

Beef should be here next week (Wednesday) – so if you ordered a beef package, please plan to pick it up then!

It’s not too late to join our Garden Share program too. We’re cranking out seedlings in the basement and greenhouse and will be ready for an April planting! If you waiver between joining the CSA and growing your own garden – this might be a good transition program for you. We supply you with seeds and seedlings each month from April to September. This helps you to extend your growing season and diversify your harvest! Move beyond the salsa garden and try to grow year round!

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