Click here to shop our web-store
If you want eggs – especially if you’d like us to bring them to the markets – please order them online! This is also a great way to guarantee that you’ll get chicken, pork roasts, or other specific cuts from our freezers – as we bring a limited variety of meats for retail to the markets.
Where to find us?!
The Farm – WEDNESDAY (11 – 7). We are officially open! CSA and farm stand* is a GO! Give Greg a high five on the patio. He and Tim worked hard to improve our farm stand venue!
Northside – Friday 3 – 7 farmers market in Allegheny Commons.
Mt Lebanon Uptown Market – Saturday 9-12
Squirrel Hill Market – Sunday 9 – 1 at the Beacon/Bartlett Parking Lot
East Liberty Market – First one is the Monday 3:30 – 6:30 – at the new Liberty Green Park
CSA Share pick up starts Wednesday this week!
I sent out emails this evening letting each of you know when the first pick up is. Wednesday is the start of our CSA week – so Northside on Friday, Mt Lebo on Saturday, Squirrel Hill on Sunday, and East Liberty on (next) Monday will all follow suit.
It’s important that you pay attention to that email if you are a Half Share – as you’ve been assigned to pick up the first (odd) or second (even) week. Please let me know if you didn’t get it and we’ll get it all straightened out!
I’m working hard on finding a drop point for Mediterra’s fresh bread for our Wednesday CSA – we’ll keep you posted as to how it all works out! We plan to have fresh bread, cookies and pasteries for our first CSA!
We have frozen chickens in the freezer now! Freshly butchered last week – they average about 4.5 lbs and are $6/lb. Order online!
If you pick your share up a the Markets and haven’t been to our stand yet – Look for the Farmers Grill. We’ve set up a second booth as our seating area (aka The Corral). Pick up your share (tell us your name and we’ll give you a tray of veggies to pack up and take home. Don’t forget to bring a bag!), grab a bite and hang out awhile!
If you pick up at the farm, enjoy some time under our awning on the new patio! Let the kids play on the playground, swing in the hammock, visit the pigs, and monkey around! Bring snacks and make a day of it! We’ve changed the check out area around a bit – but you’ll find us at the purple counter, ready to check off your name and give you the spiel on how to pick up your CSA!
News from the Fields – jen
This time of year is always tenuous for us. The spring season is difficult, as the weather is so variable, often times leaving the fields too wet to work. The onslaught of flea beetles attacking any plant in the brassica family (broccoli, kale, arugula, radishes, etc) leave us no choice but to cover with row cover. Then we worry about spring storms whipping in and blowing the row cover into the trees. The weeds grow as fast as the crops and the fluctuations in temperatures can stress the plants. It’s both stressful and relieving to grow for a CSA.
We have the committed demand to supply to each and every one of you – but we also have the lovely cushion that you’re with us for the long haul. You’re here for the surpluses and the scarcity – creating the Community part of the Community Supported Agriculture. When we go to market, we’re at the mercy of the weather, sporting events and bridge closures. We never know if it’s going to be a ‘good’ market or not. But with CSA, we know you’ll be there – ready for the veggies from the fields – rain or shine. So – thanks for sticking it out with us – it’s going to be a fun ride and we plan to throw some tried and true veggies your way – but also surprise you with new favorites and unique varieties. Get your cutting board out, wash and chop your veggies right away to prep for the week, and get ready for some nomming!
Start researching how to cook up garlic scapes!