July 4th Celebration on July 5th
Join in the community celebration and bring some fireworks to share, Wednesday July 5th! We have a few boxes of bigger fireworks on hand. Come to the farm for a low key (but still quite nice) fireworks show and bonfire. We’re going to get out the grill. BYOB, make it a picnic (and/or) potluck and enjoy the evening, starting around 6 pm. Fireworks will start at dusk (9ish). Bring a camp chair or blanket and bug spray!
Farm Update:
Last week, Greg took on a behemoth of a challenge and held down the farm while Evelyn and I took off for the beach for a week. Olivia came down with a fever on the Sunday that we were to head out….so Greg also took on the task of caring for her, as well as the whole farm. What a good guy!
As we guessed, Olivia’s recovery was quick and she missed the beach trip by a day or so. Poor girl.
Evelyn and I drove down to Chincoteague Island, where I met up with a few of my high school friends and their kids. We saw the wild ponies, soaked in the sun, conquered the waves, brought lots of sand home in the car, and are generally refreshed and ready for the rest of the summer.
While I was sunning at the beach, Greg handled a sick kid, dogs running off, feed deliveries, farmers markets, harvest day questions, CSA shenanigans, and farm accidents (just a regular week on the farm!). He held it all together and welcomed us home!
Many thanks to Greg, Mary, Dimitrius (and his family), and Olivia, for keeping this complex machine going. None of us have had a real summer vacation since 2004! I’ve forgotten how nice it is to relax for multiple days in a row! It’ll be Greg’s turn for a vay-kay next!
Jaroisinski’s Chickens:
Back in stock with half chickens – 3.5 – 4 lb each. Good meaty birds – frozen. $7/lb. Kevin raises his birds on pasture, in a chicken tractor, much the same way we do. Buy your half chickens here.
Old Time Farm’s Beef:
We have some amazing ground beef from Old Time Farm. Shelly raises her beef cows on 100% pasture – grass fed and grass finished.
Buy grass-fed, grass-finished beef here.
Wilson Family Farm’s Milk:
We are getting milk from Lara’s farm in Slate Lick – just up the road from us. She’s state certified as a raw milk producer. She has high cleanliness standards and her Holsteins are well loved!
Pork Gazzette:
Keep an eye open for more info on our Sausage Stuffer Share. We’re going to launch a pork CSA and there will be more info to come.