Delivery times and locations are changing as markets start up: (Mt Lebanon Uptown Market (Saturday) and Squirrel Hill Market (Sunday), and Northside (Friday).
Check out our fancy photos that are updated in store after our professional shoot!
-Fresh up on the web-store – spinach, rhubarb, green garlic, lettuce heads
(just look at that beautiful Deer Tongue Lettuce!)
Seedlings! – Tomatoes, peppers, husk cherries, herbs and more!
Click here to shop our web-store
Gear up for your Memorial Day cookout! Make your own Original HAMburgers with our 1 lb packages of pork patties. Or stock up on Spinach and lettuce for a beautiful fresh salad.
This is your last 10 days to buy a market card for the season. Basically, it’s a gift card that gets you a 10% bonus if you buy it before May 31, 2022. No limitations on types of items you can purchase
Where to find us?!
The Farm – WEDNESDAY (11 – 7). We’ll set your order out, you come pick it up. We’re putting orders out on the counter under the red awning. Park at the top of the hill in front of the house.
(look for The Farmers Grill – when meeting us to pick up an order at the markets – grab a sammie while you’re there!)
Northside – Friday 3 – 7 farmers market in Allegheny Commons.
Mt Lebanon Uptown Market – Saturday 9-12
Squirrel Hill Market – Sunday 9 – 1 at the Beacon/Bartlett Parking Lot
East Liberty Market has not started yet.
Notes from the field – Annie
The fear of frost seems to be well behind us with temps in the 90s this weekend. With the help of the Pittsburgh Pie Guy returning to the field, we laid 1200+ feet of landscape fabric, and planted most of our tomatoes while the days were still cool and damp. We’ll wait till this heat passes to plant the rest. Sunny days sound nice for planting, but it’s the cool, rainy ones that the plants appreciate during transplanting. In the meantime, there’s plenty more fabric to put down, compost to spread, weeds to pull, and seeds to sow.
We’re starting to organize Saturday afternoon workdays – so pay attention to future newsletters for when we’ll start those up and what the schedule will be.
Notes from the Grill
Our markets are taking off like crazy – and it’s so nice to see how glad folks are to have us back! (We’re glad to be back!) Now that markets have started, our weeks are broken up by either doing market or farming. The 4 day weekend is dedicated to Jen, Greg or Annie taking turns doing each market. For the most part, you’ll find Greg and Jen in the Northside and Mt Lebanon Uptown markets, and Greg and Annie at Squirrel Hill. East Liberty Markets haven’t started up yet – but when they do, we’ll each take turns doing that market.
If you, or anyone you know is looking for a part-time gig, we’d like to hire someone who can help grill at the farmers markets. Reach out to us for more details! A forth person working the market rotation will help get one of the three of us back on the farm and do some farming!
Don’t forget that you can order our products on-line and we’ll bring them down to the markets (or keep them at the farm) for you. We don’t pack everything we have – so if you’re looking for rhubarb, eggs, or shoulder roasts – you better plan ahead and place your order.
Little Homesteaders – Community Builders –
If you’re interested in sending your kids to Little Homesteaders Farm Camp – please fill out this reservation/interest doc to get on the list! This will help us gauge interest and hone our plans for this summer.
Thursday June 9th: 1:30 – 4:30pm $20/kid, $15/sibling
Little Homesteaders Pop-up: An afternoon that will feel like a reunion for previous Little Homesteaders and farm campers, but is a great opportunity to meet new friends and get to know the farm. Considering one of our camps? Come experience the farm; collect eggs from the barn, explore the treehouse, check on the veggie crops, and play in the pine grove. Parents are welcome to stay, and invited to do so for preK friends and first timers. Ages 3 – 10.
Wednesday June 29th – Fri July 1: 9:30am – 12:30pm $75 Ages 3-5
Lil’ Little Homesteaders: Welcoming our pre-K friends for three mornings on the farm. We’ll have farm chores and farm crafts, playtime, snacks, and stories. We’ll explore the veggie field and get comfortable around chickens. Literacy and numeracy lessons incorporated throughout the day. Campers should bring a lunch.
Mon July 11th – Fri July 15th: 9:00am – 3:00pm $275 Ages 6*-10
The full Farm Camp experience: We’ll have farm chores, crafts, games, snacks, tree house time and time in the pines. Campers will tend to veggies and pigs, collect eggs and help bring in the harvest. We will build community with each other and participate in the growing farm community throughout the week. Campers will have dedicated time for play, rest, and journaling; literacy and numeracy lessons throughout the week. Campers should bring a lunch. *5 year olds welcome with previous farm/camp experience.
Family Farm Days: Tuesday mornings and Saturday** evenings throughout summer
Want to try farm work? Need some time to yourself in a field? Would you enjoy a conversation with adults while harvesting lettuce? Some outdoor exercise while providing nutritious food to your community? Here’s your chance to help on the farm and let your littles enjoy a bit of farm time too. As a work trade for produce, you’ll work alongside adult farmers and community members tending to veggies, animals, or the land. Under Lindsay’s supervision and encouragement, the littles will explore the farm, create crafts, have snacks and story time, and learn to be in community with each other. Childcare offered on a donation basis. **Saturday schedule to be announced.
Interested? Fill out this reservation/interest doc to get on our Little Homesteaders list!