Better Late Than Never! Sorry for the delay in the newsletter.
As the season comes to an end, our delivery and pick up options will slowly change. Make sure you check the list below, before you place your order. We may have changed the days/times/locations of our deliveries and this is the most up-to-date list!
Click Here To Shop Our Web-Store – Thieves Oil soaps is back! We are back in stock with maple breakfast sausage, (loose) chorizo, and bratwurst. Turnips and Turnip Greens are up for grabs!
Where to find us and pick up your online orders and a sammie.
The Farm – NEW TIMES!! Wednesday (3 – 7).
Northside – (Allegheny Commons) Friday 3 – 6 PM (Closing earlier!)
Squirrel hill Market (beacon and Bartlet)- Sunday 9-1
Pig-Wifery – by Greg
Not every fever is swine flu, and pigs get sick like people do. Especially during the change of the season. Treatment options are tricky if pharma is involved. Plus, most chemical solutions are not favorable to customers. So we opt for the most natural methods. In the pig world, hogs can only cool down a limited number of ways. Panting and urinating are effective, but the hog is more famous for bathing in mud, for the slow evaporative cooling. This year we began shading wallows to keep the mud-pool as cool as possible for the piggies. But that is a story for another time. Our treatment options for cooling a feverish pig include laying wet towels on the animal and keeping them wet with cool water. It’s also a technique we use when the sows are laboring midsummer. Basically, we hosed off the pig, and brought the fever down. A triumph for low tech solutions. Here’s a photo of a white pig who is taking their first drink all on their own. Not pictured was the next visit to the feed trough for a bit of gluttony before crashing under a heat lamp we’re providing. Now that the temps are normal, we are giving the ones that don’t appear to be thriving an extra warm boost on these chilly nights.